An Introvert’s Perspective

Introvert: the word which according to society means ‘shy’. The quieter ones, the less social ones, the loners, this is the description that society gives to introverts.

Well, being one is not that bad at all. I’ll let you know why.

I grew up being an introvert and there were times when i used to doubt this characteristic after getting numerous taunts from others about me not speaking much,  lost in my own thoughts,not socializing enough which apparently other kids of my age were good at.

I was being continuously reminded that good communication skills are must for the long run. For good communication skills, you need to be outgoing, speak to people, socialize. Its not that I am or I was bad at it but I was just not interested in the above mentioned things. As a child, after coming back from school, I used to spend the evening playing with toys and making stories in my head, taking a walk watching the flowers in my garden and the bees, the butterflies and the birds flying while down the road other kids of my age used to play together various games. I was often forced by my parents to go and play with the other kids, so I joined them, at times. But what i actually enjoyed doing was spending the evening alone and just observe things. Even today, I am 19 now, and almost every weekend I get calls from my friends that they are going out for parties and they want me to join them, I do go out with them at times, but I find the best way to spend my weekend is to go for drives at early mornings or at nights when there is not much traffic and I make a playlist of my favorite songs and the new ones that I find good to listen to while driving and just enjoy the road. And the plan B to make my weekends interesting is to stay at home browsing the internet while sipping on to beer. I really enjoy doing that. That is my introverted story.

To be honest, Introverts are often misunderstood; studies have shown that introverts tend to be creative, good listeners, loyal, observant, committed, Exactly the characteristics and qualities we search for in leaders. So, introverts actually have good leadership qualities.

So, the next time if someone calls you shy or loner, you do not have to feel bad or worry about it. Its good to be introverted. Its good to look at the world, look at your life, look at things around you with a higher, better and a different perspective.

That’s it from me,

I would like to know stories from you guys too, so feel free to comment below.


An Introvert’s Perspective

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